Making Sustainable Education Accessible
Connection with our Mother Earth is one of the most important factors in human psychological wholeness, which is why through teaching our children with a nature-based approach we are playing a major role in healing of ourselves and our planet.
Sustainable Ecological Education Foundation was created in August 2020 as a 501(c)3 non-profit organization to:
- Collect, preserve, and disseminate knowledge and information with reference to sustainability.
- Encourage interested persons to pursue and preserve the environment.
- Provide opportunities for educators to provide classes on sustainability, conservation, preservation and other environmental and outdoor topics.
Presentations, nature walks, beekeeping, and the implementation of green technologies can influence conservation techniques into others‘ lives easily. We not only provide the education, but the resources for change. All in a sustainable manner.
We work with local farms and their biodiverse landscape to provide a natural school environment for our students.
We can work together to improve our education on how our food is grown, instill passion for the planet and all of its creatures and create a sense of curiosity that dives deeper to answer any questions raised. We are given a space in Boulder, Colorado to bring the students and our educational opportunities to absolute fruition.